Posted by: Shira Gura | February 3, 2013

A Mindfulness Coach

מפתחI think we all need a mindfulness coach in our lives.

For when we get stuck.

And seek advice on how to be.  On how to cope or behave in a difficult situation.

I know I need one.

And, I imagine this is the conversation that would be had….

Coach: Tell me the situation.

Me: ……………

Coach: And, what are you hanging on to in that situation?


Coach: Can you recognize what you are missing because are you hanging on to that thing?

Me: No, I can’t see anything else.  I’m right in this situation.

Coach: Yes, but what are you being blinded by (the greater picture) because you are hanging on?  What do you miss seeing?  What’s the greater picture?  I’ll even push you and ask, Where can you find love in the situation?

Me: I see it.

Coach: So, can you let go of hanging on to whatever it is you are hanging on to?  Can you realize the benefit of letting go?  Can you appreciate that letting go will not only ease your suffering, but will be more beneficial than staying in the “right”?

Me: Yes.  I can.

Coach: Wonderful.  So, go practice.  And, when that thing (or another) arises again, call me.

Me:  Thank you.

Coach: You’re welcome.

Me: I love you.

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